Release Training Videos
Trade Service Pro 3.3
RELEASE DATE: 08/04/2024
Sales tax rates are now looked up based on zip code giving more precise sales tax rate lookups. Manually recorded cash and check payments now support creating a recipt that can be printed or emailed to customers.
Trade Service Pro 3.2
RELEASE DATE: 07/10/2024
Another big and exciting release for Trade Service Pro. This release introduced the Pricebook feature which includes inventory level management and job inventory reconciliation.
Trade Service Pro 3.1
RELEASE DATE: 04/30/2024
A big release for Trade Service Pro with one big new feature and lots of other enhancements. Job photos can now be included on proposals and invoices. Lots of improvement for the user experience on mobile devices and more.
While Trade Service Pro has had plenty of releases prior to version 3.1, training videos are only available from version 3.1 and forward.